Bexar County Expungement Attorney

Being charged with a crime and dealing with that charge is one thing; expungement is another. It is a great thing to get your case dismissed or to be found not guilty. However, there is more to be done even if your case concludes with one of these positive results. In order to be fully freed of the charge, you must get an expungement (clearing your name of the criminal charge). Even if you are found not guilty or your case is dismissed, the charge could remain on your record for years. Don’t let this happen to you. We always look for opportunities to get an expungement for you.

We help to clear your record for the future so that you can leave the past where it belongs—behind you. Without an expungement, your criminal charge could haunt you for years. Even if you are found not guilty in court, the stigma of being arrested and charged can follow you and limit you in many areas of your life. Here are some areas where expungement can help you later on in life:

  • Clearing your name
  • Getting a job
  • Buying a home
  • Applying for a loan
  • Legally stating that you have never been convicted

Even if you plead guilty in a case, we can help you to seal your record even if we cannot get an expungement. We will talk to you in detail about petitioning for non-disclosure. Only certain cases are eligible for non-disclosure so we will work with you on a case-by-case basis. If you are eligible, it is important to pursue this option as we may be able to help you obtain some form of clearing or sealing of your record. In the state of Texas, there are specific procedures to follow, so you need a lawyer to help you. Contact our offices to speak to expungement lawyers in San Antonio today.